
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Journal 21

"Su, can you heal them from this far?"
"Of course, if I can see, I can use magic."
"Okay. When they wake up, I will explain all plan. Is it able to heal all of them?"
Su suddenly straighten her shoulder up and said proudly.
"Of course I can! Do you remember? My magic power is highest level in my viliage. I can heal a hundred people...even though I will die if I do it."
As Su's face became dark, Hayu tap Su's head gently.
"It's okay. Nobody blames you."
"...thank you."
Su said nothing for a while and said.
"Okay. Let's start the plan!"
Su focused on dragons.
"To fairies of heal, I call you as your master Su. Getareve"
As the bright light hit the dragons, they began to wake up one by one.
"Wh,what is happening? Where am I?"
As they wake up, Hayu called them.
"Hi, guys! Are you guys all right?"
They looked Hayu and Su suspiciously.
"Who are you?"
"Well, I am just trying to help you guys."
Hayu explained everything what happended to them.
", actually I need your help, too. Can you help me?"
The dragons look each other.
"Well? You helped us then we should help you. What can we do?"
"Su and me can brake this bar. However, their is too much soldier outside. Just help us to get rid of them."
"But...they use magical potion. What should I do with that?"
Hayu smiled darkly at that time. The dragons flinched.
"Don't worry. If there is people who using magical potion, me and Su will deal with them."
"Then...well...okay. Let's do it."
Hayu smiled and said.
"Great. Step back. I will break the bars."
And Hayu concentrated on his sword.