
Monday, November 8, 2010

Journal 18

I was little tired at that day. I even had a headache. I really wanted a rest, but I had a class that I can not miss. I tried to stay awake. I would unable to be in that class if I fall a sleep. I went to out of the room. There was one of my roommates. I said hi to her. She said hi back to me. I looked outside of window. I saw people walk the campus around so busily. I suddenly thought myself. Why people live busily? Why they cannot stop thinking about their work even one minute. I looked at the sky. Even the cloud flew and even birds flied without stopping themselves. Everything was moving. Everything. I thought people try to live hardly and busily because they know they will be die someday. Everything will disappear. That's why people like to leave something behind as a mark that shows "they were here". What would be my "mark" in the future?

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