
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Journal 19-Sports and me

I like sports. I think that is influence of my dad. My dad likes exercise, so my sister and I went to exercise often. My family went hiking every weekend unless my parents didn't have any special schedule. As my sister and I wre grown up, my sister didn't do lots of exercise because of studying. However, I still liekd exercise, so sometimes I did it alone. As I was not able to spend lots of time for exercising because of studying. I joined basketball team at school. It was a lot of fun. I could enjoy that because my dad and me played basketball together sometimes before I have joined the team. When I wnt to Canada, I was in physical education class and we did lots of soccer games. Most of Koran girls didn't want toplay it, but actually I really enjoyed that class. I still have no idea why do I like sports, because I usually don't like to move my body. However, when I play sports, I strangely feel great. That is why I keep playing and liking sports.

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