
Sunday, November 7, 2010

Journal 17

Hayu and Su were able to find that noble's castle easily. Everyone knew there is a crazy noble who trys to get as much as dragon skin and horns he can. When Hayu and Su knocked, one servant came out.


"We want to see Mr. Wural because of the dragon skin and horns. Do we allow to go in?"

The servant looked Hayu and Su and said.

"Wait for second."

He disappeared and came back.

"Come in and follow me."

They followed the servant. Suddenly, Hayu stopped at middle of the hall and glanced Su. Su noticed what he was going to do. Su walked little back from Hayu. When the servant looked back to see what's going on, Hayu started lauging and destroying anything he saw. The servant tried to stop Hayu but it was unable.

"Security! Security!!"

By the servant's call, other servants came to them. They tried to stop Hayu, too. However, Hayu was so strong and he had a sword, so they were even able to get close to Hayu. One servant went to Su.

"What happend to him?!"

"Well... I don't know. He sometimes does that. I went to hospital with him but even that doctor didn't have any solution. I even can not stop him. It's okay. He will stop himself when he destorys everything here."


The servant was so surprised because Su said it calmly.

"He will stop when he destorys everything!? Noway!"

When the servant was in panic, the noble came out by the noise.

"What is it? Why it's so noisy here?"

The servant went toward the noble quickly.

"I'm sorry, sir. There were two visitors who wanted to see you and one of them got crazy and destroied your castle."

"What!? Did you leave them to break my castle?! Put them in the jail right away!"

"Yes, sir! B...but, there is a problem. It is really hard to catch him. He is too strong."

"What!? Oh, my god.. Huh? Who is that girl?"

"Oh, she was with him. I asked her but she said she can not stop him neither."

The noble looked at them for a while and suddenly moved toward to Su.

"Hey, you!"

Su looked the noble.


The noble grabbed Su by the collar and shouted at Hayu.

"You! Hey, boy! If you don't stop right away, I will kill her!"

However, Hayu didn't stop. Su said calmly.

"Give up. He will not stop whatever you do."

Mr.Wural hauled Su toward Hayu and put Su right in front of Hayu. Hayu's sword swang toward Su. Su closed her eyes tightly.

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