
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Journal 21

"Su, can you heal them from this far?"
"Of course, if I can see, I can use magic."
"Okay. When they wake up, I will explain all plan. Is it able to heal all of them?"
Su suddenly straighten her shoulder up and said proudly.
"Of course I can! Do you remember? My magic power is highest level in my viliage. I can heal a hundred people...even though I will die if I do it."
As Su's face became dark, Hayu tap Su's head gently.
"It's okay. Nobody blames you."
"...thank you."
Su said nothing for a while and said.
"Okay. Let's start the plan!"
Su focused on dragons.
"To fairies of heal, I call you as your master Su. Getareve"
As the bright light hit the dragons, they began to wake up one by one.
"Wh,what is happening? Where am I?"
As they wake up, Hayu called them.
"Hi, guys! Are you guys all right?"
They looked Hayu and Su suspiciously.
"Who are you?"
"Well, I am just trying to help you guys."
Hayu explained everything what happended to them.
", actually I need your help, too. Can you help me?"
The dragons look each other.
"Well? You helped us then we should help you. What can we do?"
"Su and me can brake this bar. However, their is too much soldier outside. Just help us to get rid of them."
"But...they use magical potion. What should I do with that?"
Hayu smiled darkly at that time. The dragons flinched.
"Don't worry. If there is people who using magical potion, me and Su will deal with them."
"Then...well...okay. Let's do it."
Hayu smiled and said.
"Great. Step back. I will break the bars."
And Hayu concentrated on his sword.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Journal 20

"Hu....hahahahahaha! Yes, yes...of course..."

When Hayu stopped, all servants dashed to catch Hayu. Mr.Wural pushed Su to one of servants.

"Take them in to the jail and clean this mess, you idiots!"

Hayu and Su were locked up in the jail. When all the servants went out, Su wispered.

"Now, whatare you going to do?"

"It's easy. That stupid noble did't mention about my sword, so those servants didn't take my sword and you can use magic."


Hayu looked at Su.

"Su? You better have some obervation skill. Look around. See the jail that is in front of us."

Su looked through the bars. There was ten people in that jail.

"Who are they?"

"Maybe they are dragons."

"What? Really? But...they didn't die, do they? Even though they look wounded..."

"Maybe that noble want to cut there horns and skin when he makes portion. you fresh infredient. I'm glad he didn't kill them. That stupid noble...I will kil him. How dare he could do that to Su..."


Su saw and asked to Hayu because Hayu said last words with wisper. Hayu quickly shook his head.


Su looked at dragons agian.

"Some looks badly will gonna die in a minute."

Hayu suddenly stood up.

"Okay, let's start."

"Start? Start what?"

Hayu looked Su and grinned darkly.

"The revenge."

Journal 19-Sports and me

I like sports. I think that is influence of my dad. My dad likes exercise, so my sister and I went to exercise often. My family went hiking every weekend unless my parents didn't have any special schedule. As my sister and I wre grown up, my sister didn't do lots of exercise because of studying. However, I still liekd exercise, so sometimes I did it alone. As I was not able to spend lots of time for exercising because of studying. I joined basketball team at school. It was a lot of fun. I could enjoy that because my dad and me played basketball together sometimes before I have joined the team. When I wnt to Canada, I was in physical education class and we did lots of soccer games. Most of Koran girls didn't want toplay it, but actually I really enjoyed that class. I still have no idea why do I like sports, because I usually don't like to move my body. However, when I play sports, I strangely feel great. That is why I keep playing and liking sports.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Journal 18

I was little tired at that day. I even had a headache. I really wanted a rest, but I had a class that I can not miss. I tried to stay awake. I would unable to be in that class if I fall a sleep. I went to out of the room. There was one of my roommates. I said hi to her. She said hi back to me. I looked outside of window. I saw people walk the campus around so busily. I suddenly thought myself. Why people live busily? Why they cannot stop thinking about their work even one minute. I looked at the sky. Even the cloud flew and even birds flied without stopping themselves. Everything was moving. Everything. I thought people try to live hardly and busily because they know they will be die someday. Everything will disappear. That's why people like to leave something behind as a mark that shows "they were here". What would be my "mark" in the future?

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Journal 17

Hayu and Su were able to find that noble's castle easily. Everyone knew there is a crazy noble who trys to get as much as dragon skin and horns he can. When Hayu and Su knocked, one servant came out.


"We want to see Mr. Wural because of the dragon skin and horns. Do we allow to go in?"

The servant looked Hayu and Su and said.

"Wait for second."

He disappeared and came back.

"Come in and follow me."

They followed the servant. Suddenly, Hayu stopped at middle of the hall and glanced Su. Su noticed what he was going to do. Su walked little back from Hayu. When the servant looked back to see what's going on, Hayu started lauging and destroying anything he saw. The servant tried to stop Hayu but it was unable.

"Security! Security!!"

By the servant's call, other servants came to them. They tried to stop Hayu, too. However, Hayu was so strong and he had a sword, so they were even able to get close to Hayu. One servant went to Su.

"What happend to him?!"

"Well... I don't know. He sometimes does that. I went to hospital with him but even that doctor didn't have any solution. I even can not stop him. It's okay. He will stop himself when he destorys everything here."


The servant was so surprised because Su said it calmly.

"He will stop when he destorys everything!? Noway!"

When the servant was in panic, the noble came out by the noise.

"What is it? Why it's so noisy here?"

The servant went toward the noble quickly.

"I'm sorry, sir. There were two visitors who wanted to see you and one of them got crazy and destroied your castle."

"What!? Did you leave them to break my castle?! Put them in the jail right away!"

"Yes, sir! B...but, there is a problem. It is really hard to catch him. He is too strong."

"What!? Oh, my god.. Huh? Who is that girl?"

"Oh, she was with him. I asked her but she said she can not stop him neither."

The noble looked at them for a while and suddenly moved toward to Su.

"Hey, you!"

Su looked the noble.


The noble grabbed Su by the collar and shouted at Hayu.

"You! Hey, boy! If you don't stop right away, I will kill her!"

However, Hayu didn't stop. Su said calmly.

"Give up. He will not stop whatever you do."

Mr.Wural hauled Su toward Hayu and put Su right in front of Hayu. Hayu's sword swang toward Su. Su closed her eyes tightly.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Journal 16

I watched the movie "Equilibrium". It was really cool. The movie seems boring first time, but it was not; I feel good about the movie at the end. The main character, Cleric's military art was amazing. I cannot say any word about his movement but only 'amazing'. I kept saying "Wow" when I watched it. He uses guns and swords with military arts. Also, the movie shows that the 'feeling' is important to people. When I watched the people in the movie destroy beautiful things and the animals, I felt that kind of world is hopeless and horrible. I never want to live in that world. Mary who is the woman that Cleric loved says "Emotion has price...without control." I agree with her but even though feeling is cause of a war, I think to have feelings is better than don't have. The main character doesn't use the medicine for no feeling, and can feel everything, he stop using that medicine because he wants to feel beautiful things more. Imagine that people don't have feeling; people don't cry, they are not happy, they don't feel sorrow or pain, or they don't feel love. People who know feeling would never want to lose feeling. So do me. By this movie, I think about the importance of feeling, and never ever want to live in the world that is no beautiful things, no animals and no feelings.

Journal 15

“Hayu, are you okay?”

For few minutes, he said nothing to Su. Su looked up Hayu. Su was afraid to see Hayu’s face but she was worried about him. Hayu suddenly moved and looked down Su. Hayu put his forehead on Su’s shoulder.

“Are you okay?”

“…not really… I cannot calm down. I cannot work with this anger. This work needs extra care. Please stay like that for one second.”


“That noble…want…skin and horns…skin and horns…I heard something about both of them…where did I get that…where…skin and horns…”

Hayu whispered so quickly himself.

“Skin and horns…I should find out about that first. If that was not that important, I will kill that noble…skin and horns…ski…!!!!”

Hayu suddenly put his face up. He started rummaging around in his bag.

“Hayu? What are you doing?”

“I read about dragon’s skin and horns and it was in ‘Never die, never get old’…okay, I found it.”

Hayu took that book out and turned pages like a crazy person.


Su looked where Hayu pointed out.

“’People looking for dragon’s skin and horns because it is known as great healing portion. People say dragon’s skin and horns can make you not die and not getting old at all. However, that is the wrong information. Dragon’s skin and horns even can not heals wounds.’ What? It cannot!?”

Su was so shocked about that. Than why dragons been killed.

“Maybe that noble doesn’t know about this. This book is so old so nobody read this anymore. Also, it’s noble. They never want to read something. Now, I know what he wants. I can give him better idea. But, before I give him information, let me kick his butt first.”

“Of course you can. Can I join you?”

Finally Hayu smiled.

"Okay, we will use that way because of dragon hunters. We will find that noble easily. Once, we reach that noble's house, let me do something first. That could be really strange, so don't surprise. Okay?"

Su nodded.

"Great. Let's go."