
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Journal 8

I watched 'Inception' with my friends on Saturday. It was so good. One of my friends said it was fourth time to watch it. I was so surprised about that. Anyway, it was the movie that makes people think. It actually doesn't give the actual ending. Watchers have to guess that the main character is in his dream or in real life. I am really sure that he was in his dream, because even though he was able to see his children's face, his 'Totem' was still spining even though enough time was pased, which means it should be stop spinning at that time. It was hard to understand the story, but it was really good. If I can, I want to watch it again. Also, before the movie started, I saw an advetisement for drama. It was 'no ordinary family'. I wanted to watch that. Also the 'Hotaru's Hikari' which is the Japanese drama. Even though I really want to watch thse two dramas, I don't have time to watch bcause drama is series. If Iwatch one episode, I feel like have to watch all episodes. I will watch all of them during a vacation. I am already excited about it.

Journal 7

When I was ten I moved
I left my old home that was my playground
my reddish beautiful roses
my gigantic trees
my old quiet town
my noisy friends
my midget dog
and my heart.
I never forget my little friend.
was my best freind
and my competent counselor.
She was left to the neighbor
I missed her warm bird heart.
I sometimes
went to the neighbor's house
to see her.
Her eyes were
pleased to see me.
I will ever forget
her big black eyes
her soft short hair and
her small smooth ears.
When I was twelve
she was gone.
Nobody lived in that neighbor's house.
My heart cracked.
I never found out where
my freind was.

This is the poem based by my memory.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Journal 6

Hi, Matt Groening. This s Yeji Hwang who just watched your cartoon show 'Simpson.' I think 'Simpson' tells a lot about society. Sometimes it is difficult to understand because of sarcasm. Therefore, few times, I just gave up and watched it without understanding what the show is trying to say. 'Simpson' examined various fields; governments, society, family, phobia, etc. However, I don't think it still not talked about worlds. There are a lot of countries with their own cultures. It would be fun to watch f there is an episode that Simpson family goes travel all around world and talk how their cultures are different from states'. Because I am an international student, I had lots of trouble to feel comfortable with American culture. I want to show publics how it is hard to fit in other countries and please not laugh at international people. Thank you to read think letter. I will watch your cartoon show whenever I have time.

Journal 5

I like to be an industrial designer. I thought about this since I was Grade 9. It was hard to decide my dream because I had a struggle with my parents. They wanted me to have a 'better job' which people can earn money a lot. A doctor or a lawyer was what they wanted me to be. Now, they just agreed to follow my decision, but at that time I was so depressed that my parents not feel great with my dream. The first reason that I wan to be an industrial designer is I can help animals if I learn about building products. I want to make some products such as a wheel chair for animals which have disability. For the second reason, I like to study cynic design which is included in industrial design. I still do not have clear idea about this field, but my sister said it is their job that they work on the stage. Because I really eager to work on the stage since I was young, I wish to have an opportunity work for the stage. It might be hard to learn all of these for my future. However, I will do my best for my dream.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010



I love animals especially the dogs. That is because I hade some dogs as a pet. They were so cute and they really made me feel happy. When I argued with my mom or was angry about something, I went to my dogs. One of my favorite pets was called ‘Ddori’. She was mixed dog and she was small, cute, and smart. When I was sad, she came to me and cheered me up. While I played with her, my feeling got better.

Usually, most girls prefer smaller dogs but to me, all kinds of dogs are cute. Even though I see a huge dog, I say it’s cute. The reason why I like them is not just because their appearance. I like what they show people. They never gets upset and do not do harmful thing without any reason. However, people do bad things each other. I even saw that people swindle between families and friends.

I wish that people stop behave like that. That is what publics call people whom ‘Worse than animals.’


Sept. 13

It was so hard day today. I had a painting class today and I started my painting homework on Sunday. Also, I had to finish Design class homework, which is morning class. Actually I didn’t finish yet. I am going to stay wake up until 3:00a.m. This is little harsh to me because I already didn’t sleep well for few days. It feels like torture to me. I am confused with classes. There are too many classes with lots of homework. Sometimes I almost forgot my homework. I was really surprised when I notice it, because I wrote my homework down on my agenda. I think tomorrow will be tough night again if my professors give me more homework. Well, good luck to me. It will be better after few weeks then, I will be able to sleep comfortably.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


I love 'Harry Potter'. I think it is an incredible story. I read it for about ten times so I almost memorize all of the story. When someone talk about 'Harry Potter', I get so excited and talk about it over and over. When somebody ask me something about 'Harry Potter', I answer it and give people extra information too. Therefore, my family almost sick of my love of 'Harry Potter'.
Its story line is so great so eventhough I read it ten times, I didn't feel it is boring. I was surprised that I can remember something that much because I am not good at memorizing.
I actually don't like movie 'Harry Potter' that much. It cut a lot of great and important scene. When I watch movies, I always been dissappointed with it. Therefore, I suggest people books rather than movies for 'Harry Potter'.
I release my stress by reading 'Harry Potter'. It is so fun and I imagin to be a witch than I feel like I can do everything I want. It is a lot of fun to imagining about it.
I want to write a story like 'Harry Potter' when I get a chance.


I am crazy about animals. I watch a TV program called "Animal Farm" every week. Since I watch it, I found out that there are lots of animals which got hurt by people. Because I feel happy by them, I want to help them. I wish to work for them in the future. There is one national park which work for wild animals. I hoped towork at there however I was not good at biology so I consider other way to help them. Therefore, I decided to make some products for animals. Recent days, I started to design some. I still looking for some ways to give hands for animals.