
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Journal 5

I like to be an industrial designer. I thought about this since I was Grade 9. It was hard to decide my dream because I had a struggle with my parents. They wanted me to have a 'better job' which people can earn money a lot. A doctor or a lawyer was what they wanted me to be. Now, they just agreed to follow my decision, but at that time I was so depressed that my parents not feel great with my dream. The first reason that I wan to be an industrial designer is I can help animals if I learn about building products. I want to make some products such as a wheel chair for animals which have disability. For the second reason, I like to study cynic design which is included in industrial design. I still do not have clear idea about this field, but my sister said it is their job that they work on the stage. Because I really eager to work on the stage since I was young, I wish to have an opportunity work for the stage. It might be hard to learn all of these for my future. However, I will do my best for my dream.

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