
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Journal 16

I watched the movie "Equilibrium". It was really cool. The movie seems boring first time, but it was not; I feel good about the movie at the end. The main character, Cleric's military art was amazing. I cannot say any word about his movement but only 'amazing'. I kept saying "Wow" when I watched it. He uses guns and swords with military arts. Also, the movie shows that the 'feeling' is important to people. When I watched the people in the movie destroy beautiful things and the animals, I felt that kind of world is hopeless and horrible. I never want to live in that world. Mary who is the woman that Cleric loved says "Emotion has price...without control." I agree with her but even though feeling is cause of a war, I think to have feelings is better than don't have. The main character doesn't use the medicine for no feeling, and can feel everything, he stop using that medicine because he wants to feel beautiful things more. Imagine that people don't have feeling; people don't cry, they are not happy, they don't feel sorrow or pain, or they don't feel love. People who know feeling would never want to lose feeling. So do me. By this movie, I think about the importance of feeling, and never ever want to live in the world that is no beautiful things, no animals and no feelings.

Journal 15

“Hayu, are you okay?”

For few minutes, he said nothing to Su. Su looked up Hayu. Su was afraid to see Hayu’s face but she was worried about him. Hayu suddenly moved and looked down Su. Hayu put his forehead on Su’s shoulder.

“Are you okay?”

“…not really… I cannot calm down. I cannot work with this anger. This work needs extra care. Please stay like that for one second.”


“That noble…want…skin and horns…skin and horns…I heard something about both of them…where did I get that…where…skin and horns…”

Hayu whispered so quickly himself.

“Skin and horns…I should find out about that first. If that was not that important, I will kill that noble…skin and horns…ski…!!!!”

Hayu suddenly put his face up. He started rummaging around in his bag.

“Hayu? What are you doing?”

“I read about dragon’s skin and horns and it was in ‘Never die, never get old’…okay, I found it.”

Hayu took that book out and turned pages like a crazy person.


Su looked where Hayu pointed out.

“’People looking for dragon’s skin and horns because it is known as great healing portion. People say dragon’s skin and horns can make you not die and not getting old at all. However, that is the wrong information. Dragon’s skin and horns even can not heals wounds.’ What? It cannot!?”

Su was so shocked about that. Than why dragons been killed.

“Maybe that noble doesn’t know about this. This book is so old so nobody read this anymore. Also, it’s noble. They never want to read something. Now, I know what he wants. I can give him better idea. But, before I give him information, let me kick his butt first.”

“Of course you can. Can I join you?”

Finally Hayu smiled.

"Okay, we will use that way because of dragon hunters. We will find that noble easily. Once, we reach that noble's house, let me do something first. That could be really strange, so don't surprise. Okay?"

Su nodded.

"Great. Let's go."

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Journal 14

I like to work for animals in the future because I really love animals. So,I questionsed myself, wha can I do for animals. And so, I finally find out my dream. I with to own an animal shelter. I always thought that anmals in animal shelter is poor because I heard that they don't have much money so jsut kill animals a month after they start keeping animals. I thought that is too cruel; even though people are most genious animal, they say.
I love animals because they don't hurt people without any reason. They get angry when they have something to protect. They are different from people. People have to be selfish to live and win against others. However, I think animals are different. I admire animals which fight for death to protect their precious things. Therefore, I think that is why I want to work for animals. I want to be like animals: innocent.

Journal 13

"Is that the intruders you said? They not know...that much strong."
Hayu looked at people Su pointed.
"They are not strong physically but they uses magic. Dragons uses magic and it is stronger than mormal magicians. BUT! Dragons magic is useless against magical potion."
Lay wispered to Hayu.
"Why you are with her? I can not see any similarity between you guys. For biggest reason, you don't like people who are stupid, so you have to explain everything for them."
Hayu gazed at Lay and wispered back.
"DO NOT SAY she is stupid."
"...what...the... you became really strange. You've changed."
"Human changes a lot in shor time becase we don't have lots of time. We die quickly, you know."
"...okay...if you don't want to talk to me, don't. But make sure you get lots of stress when you have secrets. Talk to me whenever you want."
Hayu did not say anything. Lay sighed.
"Okay! So, what is the plan."
"I will go to them and ask why they are hunting dragons. The number of Draon hunters increased suddenly in short period. That is strange. Usually peoplel don't want to hunt dragons because they are afraid of it. Lay! You never come out no matter what happends. Okay?"
"But how if you got att..."
"I said don't. I will not lose and in case, Su will help me. If you come out, situation becomes worse."
"...okay...I will...just...stay here..."
Hayu and Su went out from the cave.
"Hi, there!"
Dragon hunterslooked back at them.
"Excuse me, but d you know where are dragons here? I am looking for them but I can not find any."
Dragon hunters looked Hayu suspicially.
"Why ar you looking for dragons? Are you a dragon hunter?"
"Oh, no. Of course not. This is my sister, but she really want to see a dragon. She cried whole night for dragons, so I came out with her. Have you seen any of them?"
"Not yet, but I am sure one of them is here."
"How do you know? Are you a scholar?"
Dragon hunters bursted out their laugh.
"No,no,no. We are dragon hunters."
"Dragon hunters? Why you hunt dragons? Isn't it dangerous?"
They looked at each othe.
"Well...of course it's dangerous. However, we can earn huge amount of money from it."
"Humm... This rich noble wants dragon skin and horns."
"Why is he need them?"
"I don't know How do I know rich people's mind. I'm doing this for money. That's all."
"Humm...okay. I will be around here, so if you guys find a dragon, can you pleae call mee before you kill it?"
"Thank you. Bye."
Hayu and Su went in to the cave again. Su looked at Hayu. Hayu looked strangely fine. Lay cam to them.
"Did you get any information?"
Su tried to explain but Hayu suddenly interrupted.
"They don't know anything. I think I have to find more information at the town. You promise you will stay in your home, okay?"
"...okay. I promise."
"Go right now."
Lay looked at Hayu once, sighed, and disappeared. Suddenly, Hayu hit the wall hardly. Su recognized Hayu's anger. She never seen him has this much brutal eyes before.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Journal 12

I hate a cigarette smell. I can not understand smokers. Smoking is not good for humna's health. However, these days, lots of people smoke even though they know that fact. Also, they smoke at public places which is no manner. In some sountries, people are no longer allwed to smoke in many public places and office buildings. I think that is a good rele for people because second hand smoking is worse than direct smoking.
I really don't like when I can smell a cigarette. That's why I tried hard to make my dad quit smoking. For that, I really studied hard about smoking; how bad smoking is. In Korea, school show students how bad smoking is and try to make students not to smoke. Most of students feel boring and don't watch the video well. However, I really concentrated on that and wrote down all the information and told that to my dad.
I hope people quit smoking as possible as they can because there is no adventage by smoking.

Journal 11

Su woke up and suddely realized there is not Hayu. She looked around embarassely because she heard something.
She called Hayu's name but she was sure that was not Hayu. Something suddenly popped out from the dark.
Su screamed.
"E,excuse me...?"
Su punched when something touched her.
"Ouch! Hey! I didn't do anything!"
When she heard this voice, she stopped screaming and looked up. There was a little boy beside her.
"Wh,who are you...?"
"My name is Lay. I am a dragon. By the way, who are you?"
"I am Su. Why did you take me here? Where is Hayu?"
Lay looked Su in strange way and suddenly realized what she said.
"What? Oh, I see. You are with Hayu."
"Do you know where he is?"
"Of course I know. Because I was the one who wanted to see Hayu."
When Su heard that, she punched Lay again.
"OUCH! What the hack are you doing!"
"SO! You are the one who grabbed Hayu! Where is Hayu! Take me at there!"
"Okay! O.K! I will get him here! Stop hitting me!"
Su finally stopped hitting Lay. Lay looked Su with scared eyes and dissapeared. After few minutes, Lay appeared again with Hayu.
"Su! Are you okay?"
"Of course she is fine! She punched me! How healthy she is!"
Su gazed Lay. Hayu put his hand on Su's head.
"I can see you are fine. You scared? I am sorry about that. He is my friend."
"What!? Than why he made you fainted!"
Lay interrupted between Hayu and Su.
"Because I thought he is an intruder! He was not like that before!"
"What means 'like that.'?"
"That's...! Uop Oup Op Uup!"
Hayu put his hand on Lay's mouth hardly.
"It's nothing. Anyway, there are lots of dragon hunters these days, so he was too sensitive about an intruder. That's it."
"You didn't know that he is here?"
"No. Because dragons never stay at one place."
"Humm...By the way, I think it is better to release him."
"What? Oh...I am sorry Lay."
Lay gazed Hayu in angry way.
"Lay, where is your sister?"
"Do you have a sister?"
" not here... I don't know where she is. We can not stay together because of dragon hunters. In case they find us, we have to live seperately. Because there is not lots of dragons these days, we have to protect ourselves. I heard there is a secret place for dragons but I cannot find it."
"I can help you."
Lay looked up.
"No, Hayu... You have a mission to finish. This is dragons problem. Human can not involve in this problem."
Hayu hit Lay's head hardly.
"Ouch! What the hack that was for!"
Lay stopped smiling when he saw Hayu's serious face.
"I want to help you because we are friend. I am going to. Even though you try to stop me, I am going to help you. You can not argue about this."
Lay looked Hayu with sad eyes.
"Thank you, my friend."

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


"What an earth isthis place?"
Su said wth panic voice.
"don't know. I think we are inside of a cave."
Hayusaid calmly.
"Oh my god! It is so dark here. I cannot see anything! Are you there, Hayu?"
"Calm down. You can use magic. Make a fire or something brignt."
"What!? Oh...yes...I am....! You are so genious!"
Hayu gazed Su with pathetic eyes.
Su whispered magic spell and the brignt light just came out from Su's hand.
"Su, give me that lamp to me. I want to check inside."
But Su just looked at Hayu embarrassly.
"Ur....i,it's not a lamp..."
"What? Than what is it?"
"It's...a bright bug..."
"What? Why bug?"
"B,because I only know this spell for lights."
"Codness for sake! How could youjust know one spell for this much important element! Oh my god, I can not believe this!"
"O.K! Whatever! Give me that bug. Anuway I have to check inside."
Hayu took a bug from Su's hand. The bug was brighter than he expected. When they tried to move, they heard some strange sound and than lots of hands pops out from everywhere. IT grabed them in to different directions.
"Su! What is this!! Get off from me! Su!"
and Su saw somthing hit Hayu's head and he fainted.
and Hayu disappeared in the dark.


If I have to buy something, I would buy from Forever 21 rather than Benetton. WhenI see Benetton's advertisement, I have no idea what they are selling. If people who knows Benetton see that advertisement, they would think it is interesting. However, if people who don't know Benetton see that ads, they would donfuse by that. Forexample, first time I thought that isa campaign for racism. It would make opposite effect to some people.
I know this successful advertising campaign. It is 'Telus' which is a telephone company in Canada. They always use animals for their marketing. There is a research when people see animals, they feel comfortable and attractive. Actually most of people who live in Canada knows Telus by this interesting ads with animals. Therefore I think 'Telus' was so successful to making advertisement.