
Wednesday, October 6, 2010


"What an earth isthis place?"
Su said wth panic voice.
"don't know. I think we are inside of a cave."
Hayusaid calmly.
"Oh my god! It is so dark here. I cannot see anything! Are you there, Hayu?"
"Calm down. You can use magic. Make a fire or something brignt."
"What!? Oh...yes...I am....! You are so genious!"
Hayu gazed Su with pathetic eyes.
Su whispered magic spell and the brignt light just came out from Su's hand.
"Su, give me that lamp to me. I want to check inside."
But Su just looked at Hayu embarrassly.
"Ur....i,it's not a lamp..."
"What? Than what is it?"
"It's...a bright bug..."
"What? Why bug?"
"B,because I only know this spell for lights."
"Codness for sake! How could youjust know one spell for this much important element! Oh my god, I can not believe this!"
"O.K! Whatever! Give me that bug. Anuway I have to check inside."
Hayu took a bug from Su's hand. The bug was brighter than he expected. When they tried to move, they heard some strange sound and than lots of hands pops out from everywhere. IT grabed them in to different directions.
"Su! What is this!! Get off from me! Su!"
and Su saw somthing hit Hayu's head and he fainted.
and Hayu disappeared in the dark.

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