
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Journal 13

"Is that the intruders you said? They not know...that much strong."
Hayu looked at people Su pointed.
"They are not strong physically but they uses magic. Dragons uses magic and it is stronger than mormal magicians. BUT! Dragons magic is useless against magical potion."
Lay wispered to Hayu.
"Why you are with her? I can not see any similarity between you guys. For biggest reason, you don't like people who are stupid, so you have to explain everything for them."
Hayu gazed at Lay and wispered back.
"DO NOT SAY she is stupid."
"...what...the... you became really strange. You've changed."
"Human changes a lot in shor time becase we don't have lots of time. We die quickly, you know."
"...okay...if you don't want to talk to me, don't. But make sure you get lots of stress when you have secrets. Talk to me whenever you want."
Hayu did not say anything. Lay sighed.
"Okay! So, what is the plan."
"I will go to them and ask why they are hunting dragons. The number of Draon hunters increased suddenly in short period. That is strange. Usually peoplel don't want to hunt dragons because they are afraid of it. Lay! You never come out no matter what happends. Okay?"
"But how if you got att..."
"I said don't. I will not lose and in case, Su will help me. If you come out, situation becomes worse."
"...okay...I will...just...stay here..."
Hayu and Su went out from the cave.
"Hi, there!"
Dragon hunterslooked back at them.
"Excuse me, but d you know where are dragons here? I am looking for them but I can not find any."
Dragon hunters looked Hayu suspicially.
"Why ar you looking for dragons? Are you a dragon hunter?"
"Oh, no. Of course not. This is my sister, but she really want to see a dragon. She cried whole night for dragons, so I came out with her. Have you seen any of them?"
"Not yet, but I am sure one of them is here."
"How do you know? Are you a scholar?"
Dragon hunters bursted out their laugh.
"No,no,no. We are dragon hunters."
"Dragon hunters? Why you hunt dragons? Isn't it dangerous?"
They looked at each othe.
"Well...of course it's dangerous. However, we can earn huge amount of money from it."
"Humm... This rich noble wants dragon skin and horns."
"Why is he need them?"
"I don't know How do I know rich people's mind. I'm doing this for money. That's all."
"Humm...okay. I will be around here, so if you guys find a dragon, can you pleae call mee before you kill it?"
"Thank you. Bye."
Hayu and Su went in to the cave again. Su looked at Hayu. Hayu looked strangely fine. Lay cam to them.
"Did you get any information?"
Su tried to explain but Hayu suddenly interrupted.
"They don't know anything. I think I have to find more information at the town. You promise you will stay in your home, okay?"
"...okay. I promise."
"Go right now."
Lay looked at Hayu once, sighed, and disappeared. Suddenly, Hayu hit the wall hardly. Su recognized Hayu's anger. She never seen him has this much brutal eyes before.

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